Cosmoceras proniae
Age: Jurassic
Formation: Callovian Layers
Location: Michailov, Russia
Size: Larger ammonite is 2 inches long
Price: $79.00
This is a beautiful display fossil. It is a pair of large Cosmoceras proniae from the Jurassic of Russia. This type of ammonite has many ribs and a somewhat sharp keel. Both ammonites are very 3-dimensional and show excellent detail. The tiny inner whorls of the ammonites are quite evident, and the ribbing pattern is easily seen. The ammonites have wonderful iridescence and flash a myriad of colors. The cephalopods are wonderfully centered on the hefty block of concretionary matrix and makes for a striking display. This is a great fossil to exhibit in your home or office.
A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.