Cosmoceras proniae, Perisphinctes sp.
Age: Jurassic
Formation: Callovian Layers
Location: Michailov, Russia
Size: Largest ammonite is 2.8 inches across
Price: $99.00
Here is a colorful plate of ammonites from the Jurassic of Russia. There are two gorgeous specimens of Cosmoceras proniae and one beautiful Perisphinctes sp. on the sculpted matrix base. These ammonites have many, many ribs and distinct keels. All three of the ammonites are very 3-dimensional and exhibit fine detail. The inner whorls of all three cephalopods are easily seen. Perhaps the most striking feature of this piece is the color of the fossils. The ammonites retain the nacreous shell and are wonderfully iridescent, almost looking metalic. The fossils almost appear as if they were replaced by fire opal. The ammonites are aesthetically perched on the sculpted limestone block. This is a stunning plate of extremely colorful ammonites.
A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.