Zaphrentis sp.
Age: Devonian
Formation: Hunsruck Shale (Bundenbach)
Location: Bundenbach, Germany
Size: Coral is 1" across. Plate is 5.8" X 6.3"
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Here is a very unusual fossil that we recently acquired in an old collection. This is a wonderfully detailed specimen of Zaphrentis sp., a solitary coral, from the Devonian slate of Bundenbach, Germany. This site is well known for the magnificent preservation of its rare fossils. The quarries in this area are now closed - the only way to obtain specimens from this classic site is through old collections. This Zaphrentis has wonderful form - the round shape of the top of the coral is easily seen. The individual septa of the coral are beautifully displayed. The pyritic fossil contrasts nicely with the black slate. This fossil coral is almost perfectly centered on the large plate of roofing slate. This is a very fine example of a fossil coral from this world-famous Devonian site.