Eurypterus remipes
Age: Upper Silurian
Formation: Bertie Waterlime, Phelps Member, Fiddlers Green Formation
Location: Herkimer County, New York
Size: Eurypterid is 3.8 inches long
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This is a very collectible eurypterid fossil. It is a complete Eurypterus remipes from the Silurian of New York. Eurypterus remipes is the State Fossil of New York, and is one of the most unusual arthropods in the fossil record. Eurypterids were thought to be one of the first aquatic animals to explore onto land. This specimen is complete with both paddles fully intact. Even some of the ''walking arms'' are preserved, and the telson (tailspine) is complete to the tip. But the best part of this fossil is that it is a split pair - two fossils in one! It is very unusual that both halves of a part/counterpart Eurypterid are offered together. This is an extremely unusual eurypterid fossil that makes the ultimate mirror-image display.