Knebelia bilobata
Age: Jurassic
Formation: Malm zeta (Solnhofen)
Location: Eichstatt, Germany
Size: Plate is 7.1" X 7.7"
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This is a very unusual fossil arthropod from the Jurassic. It is a large Knebelia bilobata from the famous Solnhofen Limestone of Germany. This particular decapod was acquired from a major German collction, and was found in the 1970's. This type of arthropod has a distinct fan tail and long appendages that stretch out to the side of the body. These appendages are quite evident on this specimen. The head, body, and tail of the crustacean are also easily seen. The fossil has great natural color and contrast and is extremely well centered on the squared plate of dendritic limestone. This is a very displayable example of this rare Jurassic arthropod from a very old collection.