Isorophus cincinnatiensis
Age: Upper Ordovician
Formation: Fairmont Formation
Location: Near Cincinnati, Ohio
Size: Brachiopod is 1.3 inches across
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Here is a very unusual fossil echinoderm. This is a very fine edrioasteroid, Isorophus cincinnatiensis, from the Ordovician of Ohio. Edrioasteroids were primitive echinoderms which consisted of a flexible theca composed of numerous polygonal plates. In this specimen, the large edrioasteroid has attached itself to a brachiopod. This is probably not a symbiotic relationship, nor was the brachiopod under attack - the aragonitic/calcitic shell of the brachiopod merely provided a hard substrate for the edrioasteroid to rest upon. The edrioasteroid has great detail, color, and contrast and is well showcased on the Rafinesquina brachiopod. This is a very interesting fossil from the Ordovician.