Eurypterus remipes
Age: Upper Silurian
Formation: Bertie Waterlime, Phelps Member, Fiddlers Green Formation
Location: Herkimer County, New York
Size: Eurypterid is 6.4 inches long
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Here is a fine example of Eurypterus remipes from the Upper Silurian of New York. This particular type of fossil has been designated the ''State Fossil Of New York''. Eurypterids, or ''sea scorpions'', were the terrors of the Silurian seas. This specimen displays the head, body, and tail (telson) in fine fashion. Both eyes are easily seen, and even some walking arms are preserved. The dark grey fossil contrasts wonderfully with the light grey matrix. The extinct arthropod is well showcased on the long plate of dense limestone. This is a very affordable specimen of this unusual Silurian arthropod.