Smilodon fatalis Skull (Replica)
Age: Pleistocene
Formation: Rancho La Brea Tar
Location: Kern County, California
Size: 13 1/2" Long, 8 1/2" Wide, 6 1/4" High
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This is a replica of probably the largest, most complete Sabertooth Cat found in the tar-pits in Los Angeles. This individual is remarkable in that it has its septum intact and has virtually no reconstruction. The sabers (over 10 inches long) are complete and removable. The jaw, as well as the sabers, were found associated with the skull. The molding and casting process captured the nasal cavity, with its septum as well as the cavities where the sabers go. Found in the 1930's across the street from the La Brea Tar Pits. The site was immediately closed and is now under a bank building. Price includes deluxe custom stand (base).