Eurypterid Replica
Age: Upper Silurian
Formation: Bertie Waterlime, Phelps Member, Fiddlers Green Formation
Location: Herkimer County, New York
Size: Replica is over 9 inches across
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This is a classic invertebrate replica. It is a large Eurypterus remipes from New York State. This specimen was acquired from the Richard Busch Collection, who was the Preparator/Asst. Curator at the North Museum in Lancaster, PA from 1965-1992. Eurypterus remipes is the State Fossil of New York. This replica shows both the dorsal and ventral views of this arthropod. The detail is excellent, the color is very similar to the actual fossil, and the display is quite impressive. This is a beautiful eurypterid replica made by, and acquired directly from, Richard Busch.