Eurypterus remipes
Age: Upper Silurian
Formation: Bertie Waterlime, Phelps Member, Fiddlers Green Formation
Location: Herkimer County, New York
Size: Eurypterid is 6.3" long, 6 inches across!
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Here is a very impressive eurypterid fossil. It is a HUGE Eurypterus remipes from New York. This specimen is missing the tail section (telson), but it is extremely detailed. Almost all of the fine walking arms are present and both paddles are intact and nicely displayed - it is EXTREMELY RARE for a eurypterid this large to be this complete. The distinct segmentation of the body is easily seen, and the eyes are even clearly defined. This "sea scorpion" has very nice contrast against the light-grey plate of waterlime. There are no cracks/breaks in the matrix plate, and there is absolutely no restoration to the specimen. This is a very detailed and collectible example of this unique Merostomata fossil that just happens to be the State Fossil of New York!